Saturday, December 1, 2007

Beginning of December

It is the first day of December. For me it truly starts the Christmas Season. I know tomorrow our Church will be all decorated for the season! So beautiful - someone usually goes ALL OUT to decorate the church in such a beautiful way! Just love that! I get so many new ideas!

We've been listening to all the Christmas music and my children truly love some of the songs! I love hearing their versions! Just too cute! My daughters absolute favorite is "I want a Hippopotamous for Christmas" it is just too funny!

Tonight begins our parties also! We have sooooo many parties, it is crazy! Hopefully the weather cooperates - we are expecting a winter storm tonight! It can start after we return home safely!!!!

I also am going to dig out all our Christmas books and place them in a basket for the kids to look through whenever. It truly brings the spirit of Christmas in a real way for them and they get to enjoy some wonderful literature!

Enjoy the beginning of the holiday season!

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Magic of Christmas

Oh to see the Magic through a child's eyes. My kids have been talking about Christmas for a few weeks. But yesterday, we got 1 small tree out. My 5 yr old decorated it with some new star lights (actually patio lights). It looks so sweet! Today he found a small piece of paper, wrote his name on it and then asked me to write "Dear Santa, I made this tree for you!", he then carefully hung it on the tree! He is so excited for Santa to come see his tree! He keeps saying "won't Santa be proud of me!". It is just the sweetest thing! I just love moments like these!

Remember to enjoy the preparation for the upcoming holidays! See this time of year through the eyes of a child!

Today, I am thankful for special moments like these! Thankful for the innocence of children! Thankful for holidays to enjoy with family!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Favorite Frosting

Thought today that I would share my favorite frosting recipe. I use this on sugar cookies and cakes. It is yummy!! The kids love it!

1/2 cup White Crisco
1/2 cup oleo
1 tsp vanilla
3 Tbsp Milk
4 cups Powdered Sugar
Dash of salt

Beat together for 10 minutes.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Today as I was thinking about all the things that are stressing me out and feeling a bit overwhelmed - I have to remember where we were 11 years ago today! On this day 11 years ago, my husband had his 1st treatment for testicular cancer! So thankful for his health and that he is a survivor. Proud that it has made us stronger and also more compassionate! So thankful that period of my life is over! But, grateful......very grateful!

Also, praying for a high school friend who today begins her treatments for breast cancer!

God Bless all cancer patients, survivors and their families - - also the researchers, doctors and all who work so hard to find cures for these awful diseases.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanksgiving is coming....

Wow! Just realized next week is Thanksgiving! That holiday is sneaking up on me! The week after Thanksgiving we start with Christmas Parties - - how crazy is that!

As I begin thinking about Thanksgiving and some of our get togethers it is always fun to make something special. We've already made the Pillsbury Sugar cookies decorated like Turkey's - - very cute. If you haven't made these - they are super easy! Great little treat that people think you spent hours on and really it only takes a few minutes and the kids can help! Super easy and fun!

One of the fun things and a great keepsake is the turkey made out of your handprint. Hopefully we can do that a day this week!

And a very special "Thank you" to the wonderful veterans! We are blessed to live in a free country and blessed for what they did for us!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


As a new week is beginning, how can we make others feel good?

This week try to make people smile - see how good it makes you feel!

Bring your cart back to the cart return, hold a door open for a stranger, help someone in need, say thank you.

Or do something special for someone who has helped you with no strings attached!

We are going to bake a plate of cookies, attach a note about keeping the goodness going and hope this plate will make it's way into a lot of people's homes.


Today is a bitter sweet day. I love the weekend - love the kids being home - love family time.

This weekend is one where we are doing a lot of thinking and praying. My husband's dear uncle passed away and we have the funeral on Monday. Remembering his life and all that he did for my husband and his family over the years. My husband was only 10 when his own father died and many of his uncles did a lot for him over the years. But his uncle was ill and we know his pain is gone now and he is in a better place. But, still a sad day.

Also a day for thinking about old friends. A friend from high school only 35 yrs old with 3 small children has just been diagnosed with breast cancer!. . . So young!! It is the aggressive form and at stage 1. She will begin chemo next week. So she will be going through treatments during the holidays. So sad! Especially since I know what her family is going through - 11 yrs ago my husband at 26 yrs old was diagnosed with testicular cancer. It is a difficult road and that feeling in the pit of your stomach just doesn't go away! I feel for her and her family.

Today take a moment to remember someone you know who is sick or mourning a loss. Just let them know you care!

Today I am thankful for having a husband who is an 11 yr cancer survivor! I am thankful that our family is now healthy! I am thankful for early detection, new treatments and doctors. I am thankful for extended family. I am thankful for having faith - for without that - how do you get through the tough times.
I am also thankful that my kids are having a great time with cousins and grandparents.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Yeah, it is friday! What a fabulous day! Today is a cool, crisp, frosty morning with beautiful sunshine! My favorite kind of fall day! Love the freshness that comes with the crisp air and the sunshine - - what could be better!!!!

Today is a day to look forward to the weekend and relaxing with family! Getting excited for my daugther going to a "Salon" Birthday Party for a friend! What a riot! Wish I was little again - sounds so fun!!! Tonight my kids are all staying overnight with their cousins at Grandpa & Grandma's house!! They are totally excited and Grandma has lots of crafts and fun things planned. They are making ornaments and watching a brand new movie! So spoiled - gotta love that!! As for us - it is DATE night!!! We haven't gone out without kids in months!! Seriously! We rarely go anywhere without the kids! So... looking forward to a quiet evening and a yummy restaurant! Also, running lots and lots of errands!

Fun little science experiment:

Last night my Bear Cub Scout had his meeting! We were in charge of the craft and snack! So much fun! We made sugar cookies, cut into rectangles, frosted them with colorful frosting, put small m&m's on it and made them look like LEGOS. So fun, the boys enjoyed them!

We also did the craft. ROCKETS! You take 35 mm film containers - fill them with just a little water 1/3 or less full, put 1/2 tablet of Alka Seltzer in, place them OUTSIDE - lid side down - - wait a few seconds and they shoot up in the air! The boys had a riot! Just to fun! Would have loved to take pictures - - but it was way to dark outside! We will have to do it at home with our kids and capture some pictures!

Have a fabulous friday!

Today I am thankful for Grandparents - that my kids have wonderful ones, who do cool things with them!! I am also thankful that they are able to know their Great Grandmas - that we are lucky enough to have a Grandma who is 94 and still lives at home on her own - - so Cool!! I am also thankful for date night with my husband - it has been awhile and I do miss spending alone time! I am thankful for my children's friends - especially that their are sweet kids from good families! I am also thankful for Girl & Boy Scouts and the opportunities and learning that my children get in these programs! I am also thankful I decided not to buy Aquadots for my kids (more like relieved!!!!) which we looked at in the store just last week!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I've never hated Wednesdays. I feel like they are a day to take a look at the week, see what you've accomplished and what else you can fit it! A day for the kids to say "half-way" and they can start looking forward to the weekend, sleeping in and a little time off!

Today I got in the mail 2 new books that I ordered! Can't wait to read and devour each page of Becky Higgins Sketches Book and also Rebecca Cooper's Real. Life. Scrapbooking. So excited! They give me such inspiration!

Enjoy your day!

Thankful that it is mid-week! Thankful that my new books arrived! Thankful that my 5 yr old loves school! Thankful that the laundry is mostly done! Thankful for the activities at church tonight and that all 3 of my kids love it!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Chicken Wrap-Ups

5 chicken breasts
10 slices ham (I used Virginia Ham)
1 c. sour cream
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 envelope dried onion soup

Wrap chicken breasts with ham, then bacon, place in 9 x 13 greased casserole dish. In a small bowl, mix sour cream, cream of mushroom soup and dried onion soup; pour over chicken. Bake for 4 hours, covered at 250 degrees.


Update on the baby hats! We've made 3 so far! It takes about a good hour to make 1 hat.

Today, I am thankful for Girl Scouts! My daughter has her meeting tonight and just loves it! She is so happy to be involved! I am thankful for warm food in my oven (we have wind chills of 20 degrees, rainy, windy and cold outside!!) and a warm home to live in! I am thankful for my two boys playing nice together and loving each others company!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Cool Crisp November Weather!

Here in Michigan our weather has finally turned to what I call Fall. There is a crispness in the air! It is the kind of weather that makes you want to curl up with a new book under a blanket, have a fire going in the fireplace and something yummy cooking in the oven!

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new book I just ordered. It is Becky Higgins' newest book - all sketches for scrapbooking! I can't wait!! Check out her blog sometime (! It is full of inspiration and ideas! Love her blog and her style! She is currently doing a 12 days of Christmas promotion - so cool!! Check it out!

Tomorrow I will post another recipe! A slow cook oven Chicken recipe! So yummy for these cool days! It takes 4 hours to bake - so you can just wait and smell it all day!

Tonight when my kids come home we are going to try making baby hats for a charity organization! It is a service project for our family to do together! My kids are 8, 6, 5 and only one is a girl - - but the boys are very excited about what we can do to help others! This is just one way to help little babies that we will never meet! So good for young kids to understand!

Have a great Monday!!

Today I am thankful that my kids are in school learning and love it! That we had a nice family weekend! That my kids enjoyed their Cub Scout and Brownie outings they had this weekend! That today is a start of a brand new week with lots of possibilities!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Journal what you are thankful for!

This month is November. A month to think about all of the things you are thankful for. This month, try something new - grab a new journal (it can just be a notepad!) and each day write down 1 or more things you are thankful for! I call this my "Gratitude" Journal. When Thanksgiving arrives, grab your journal and read through all the things you have written down! You will feel so blessed on Thanksgiving because you have so many wonderful things to be thankful for!

Why stop in November? It is a great way to feel good and you always remember the things your are thankful for, why not do it year round!

Don't forget to include the kids! It is a great way for kids to journal and a great way for them to feel good too!

Today I am thankful for my family, health and the beautiful sunshine on a crisp November day!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


What a fun time of year! A chance to dress-up and be something other than yourself!

This is one of my favorite pictures from a past Halloween!

Have a safe and happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Preparing for Halloween

Halloween is such a fun time of year! Our family doesn't get into the scary stuff. We just like to celebrate fall, have fun dressing up, craving or painting pumpkins and doing all the fun fall stuff.

Each year, we plan a special supper for the kids. It is totally a kids night! This year we are having worms on buns. You simply take hotdogs, slice them the long way - so you get nice long thin strips. Boil them in water. Take a bunch out, place on a bun and eat! Look really gross - but is fun for the occasion! Of course, you also need worm punch! This is orange sherbet in a glass with some type of pop (like Sierra Mist, 7-up, etc) poured over it. It gets frothy and then you stick gummy worms in it! So fun!!

Be creative! Give your kids a lasting memory! It really is an easy thing to do!

Other ideas:

Wrap thin sliced crescent rolls around hot dogs to make mummies.
Shape dough to make spiders. Or bones (sprinkle with basil & parmesan).
If your family likes chili - make some yummy chili or any hearty soup and serve with a spider bun.
Smoky links wrapped with crescent rolls and then shoestrip chips for legs to make bugs!

Have a great Halloween!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Crockpot Stew

2 lbs beef cut into chunks
1/4 cup flour
1 ½ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
1½ cups beef broth
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
1 clove garlic
1 bay leaf
1 tsp paprika
4 carrots, sliced
3 potatoes, diced
2 onions, chopped
1 stalk celery, sliced

Place meat in Crockpot. Mix flour, salt, pepper and pour over meat; stir to coat meat with flour mixture. Add remaining ingredients and stir to mix well. Cover and cook on low 10 - 12 hours (or on high 4-6 hours). Stir well before serving.
Great with freshly baked bread or buns!

Enjoy this hearty meal!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Capture the Moment

I encourage everyone to take their cameras and capture the everyday.

Today, my kids were bowling with 2 liter pop bottles! What a creative thing! They were playing together and enjoying each others company! I can't wait to scrapbook this memory! I hope these simple memories they will cherish forever.

Enjoy your day!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Autumn Fun

One of the best things about this time of year! The cool crisp weather! This time of year offers many wonderful activities to do with your families. Try some today!

Check out local orchards. Many orchards don't just have fruit to pick. Check into the fall activities they may have. Our local orchards have Corn Mazes, Hay Rides, Trains, some orchards have Elephant and Camel Rides. They also have a petting zoo. Call around - this is a great activity for kids with many great memories. If you choose to do a corn maze. First make sure your kids are old enough and won't get frustrated being inside a corn field!

Outdoor Centers also offer neat experiences. Locally we have one with Elk and Deer. Great time to check out how big the horns are on those Elk! Wow!!! Great time of year for a nature hike also! See how many different leaves you can find and how many different colors!

Fall also begs to have something yummy in your crockpot! Let it simmer all day and come home to the wonderful aroma! Check back soon for a crock pot recipe!

Get out and enjoy the fall with your kids! Remember not all activities have to cost money! You can find lots of things locally that are free! Never forget your own town and your own backyard! Enjoy your Fall Memories!
Welcome to MommyMe!

We are excited to be bringing you lots of fun things just for moms! Some recipes, inspiration, projects and many other things!

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