Saturday, November 10, 2007


Today is a bitter sweet day. I love the weekend - love the kids being home - love family time.

This weekend is one where we are doing a lot of thinking and praying. My husband's dear uncle passed away and we have the funeral on Monday. Remembering his life and all that he did for my husband and his family over the years. My husband was only 10 when his own father died and many of his uncles did a lot for him over the years. But his uncle was ill and we know his pain is gone now and he is in a better place. But, still a sad day.

Also a day for thinking about old friends. A friend from high school only 35 yrs old with 3 small children has just been diagnosed with breast cancer!. . . So young!! It is the aggressive form and at stage 1. She will begin chemo next week. So she will be going through treatments during the holidays. So sad! Especially since I know what her family is going through - 11 yrs ago my husband at 26 yrs old was diagnosed with testicular cancer. It is a difficult road and that feeling in the pit of your stomach just doesn't go away! I feel for her and her family.

Today take a moment to remember someone you know who is sick or mourning a loss. Just let them know you care!

Today I am thankful for having a husband who is an 11 yr cancer survivor! I am thankful that our family is now healthy! I am thankful for early detection, new treatments and doctors. I am thankful for extended family. I am thankful for having faith - for without that - how do you get through the tough times.
I am also thankful that my kids are having a great time with cousins and grandparents.

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