Friday, November 16, 2007

The Magic of Christmas

Oh to see the Magic through a child's eyes. My kids have been talking about Christmas for a few weeks. But yesterday, we got 1 small tree out. My 5 yr old decorated it with some new star lights (actually patio lights). It looks so sweet! Today he found a small piece of paper, wrote his name on it and then asked me to write "Dear Santa, I made this tree for you!", he then carefully hung it on the tree! He is so excited for Santa to come see his tree! He keeps saying "won't Santa be proud of me!". It is just the sweetest thing! I just love moments like these!

Remember to enjoy the preparation for the upcoming holidays! See this time of year through the eyes of a child!

Today, I am thankful for special moments like these! Thankful for the innocence of children! Thankful for holidays to enjoy with family!

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