Friday, November 9, 2007


Yeah, it is friday! What a fabulous day! Today is a cool, crisp, frosty morning with beautiful sunshine! My favorite kind of fall day! Love the freshness that comes with the crisp air and the sunshine - - what could be better!!!!

Today is a day to look forward to the weekend and relaxing with family! Getting excited for my daugther going to a "Salon" Birthday Party for a friend! What a riot! Wish I was little again - sounds so fun!!! Tonight my kids are all staying overnight with their cousins at Grandpa & Grandma's house!! They are totally excited and Grandma has lots of crafts and fun things planned. They are making ornaments and watching a brand new movie! So spoiled - gotta love that!! As for us - it is DATE night!!! We haven't gone out without kids in months!! Seriously! We rarely go anywhere without the kids! So... looking forward to a quiet evening and a yummy restaurant! Also, running lots and lots of errands!

Fun little science experiment:

Last night my Bear Cub Scout had his meeting! We were in charge of the craft and snack! So much fun! We made sugar cookies, cut into rectangles, frosted them with colorful frosting, put small m&m's on it and made them look like LEGOS. So fun, the boys enjoyed them!

We also did the craft. ROCKETS! You take 35 mm film containers - fill them with just a little water 1/3 or less full, put 1/2 tablet of Alka Seltzer in, place them OUTSIDE - lid side down - - wait a few seconds and they shoot up in the air! The boys had a riot! Just to fun! Would have loved to take pictures - - but it was way to dark outside! We will have to do it at home with our kids and capture some pictures!

Have a fabulous friday!

Today I am thankful for Grandparents - that my kids have wonderful ones, who do cool things with them!! I am also thankful that they are able to know their Great Grandmas - that we are lucky enough to have a Grandma who is 94 and still lives at home on her own - - so Cool!! I am also thankful for date night with my husband - it has been awhile and I do miss spending alone time! I am thankful for my children's friends - especially that their are sweet kids from good families! I am also thankful for Girl & Boy Scouts and the opportunities and learning that my children get in these programs! I am also thankful I decided not to buy Aquadots for my kids (more like relieved!!!!) which we looked at in the store just last week!

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