Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I've never hated Wednesdays. I feel like they are a day to take a look at the week, see what you've accomplished and what else you can fit it! A day for the kids to say "half-way" and they can start looking forward to the weekend, sleeping in and a little time off!

Today I got in the mail 2 new books that I ordered! Can't wait to read and devour each page of Becky Higgins Sketches Book and also Rebecca Cooper's Real. Life. Scrapbooking. So excited! They give me such inspiration!

Enjoy your day!

Thankful that it is mid-week! Thankful that my new books arrived! Thankful that my 5 yr old loves school! Thankful that the laundry is mostly done! Thankful for the activities at church tonight and that all 3 of my kids love it!

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