Saturday, October 27, 2007

Autumn Fun

One of the best things about this time of year! The cool crisp weather! This time of year offers many wonderful activities to do with your families. Try some today!

Check out local orchards. Many orchards don't just have fruit to pick. Check into the fall activities they may have. Our local orchards have Corn Mazes, Hay Rides, Trains, some orchards have Elephant and Camel Rides. They also have a petting zoo. Call around - this is a great activity for kids with many great memories. If you choose to do a corn maze. First make sure your kids are old enough and won't get frustrated being inside a corn field!

Outdoor Centers also offer neat experiences. Locally we have one with Elk and Deer. Great time to check out how big the horns are on those Elk! Wow!!! Great time of year for a nature hike also! See how many different leaves you can find and how many different colors!

Fall also begs to have something yummy in your crockpot! Let it simmer all day and come home to the wonderful aroma! Check back soon for a crock pot recipe!

Get out and enjoy the fall with your kids! Remember not all activities have to cost money! You can find lots of things locally that are free! Never forget your own town and your own backyard! Enjoy your Fall Memories!

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