Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Preparing for Halloween

Halloween is such a fun time of year! Our family doesn't get into the scary stuff. We just like to celebrate fall, have fun dressing up, craving or painting pumpkins and doing all the fun fall stuff.

Each year, we plan a special supper for the kids. It is totally a kids night! This year we are having worms on buns. You simply take hotdogs, slice them the long way - so you get nice long thin strips. Boil them in water. Take a bunch out, place on a bun and eat! Look really gross - but is fun for the occasion! Of course, you also need worm punch! This is orange sherbet in a glass with some type of pop (like Sierra Mist, 7-up, etc) poured over it. It gets frothy and then you stick gummy worms in it! So fun!!

Be creative! Give your kids a lasting memory! It really is an easy thing to do!

Other ideas:

Wrap thin sliced crescent rolls around hot dogs to make mummies.
Shape dough to make spiders. Or bones (sprinkle with basil & parmesan).
If your family likes chili - make some yummy chili or any hearty soup and serve with a spider bun.
Smoky links wrapped with crescent rolls and then shoestrip chips for legs to make bugs!

Have a great Halloween!

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