Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year and January Goals!

Happy New Year! What an exciting time! It is a time to think about where you have been and where you wish to go! Set new goals, develop new traditions, live better, be stronger, dream!
So many possibilities!

This year - I plan to set small goals every month, instead of huge goals for the year! One of my goals is regarding my children. Things I plan to do with or for them each month! Today as I was thinking of my "January" goals we were in the midst of a "lake effect snow storm" - - so many of these things revolve around snow!!

My goals for this month are:

Go sliding with the kids
Snowmobile - pulling the kids behind on sleds!
Build a snowman
Build a snow fort
Go iceskating (1st time for the kids)
Take a beautiful outdoor snow picture of my kids!
See the Bald Eagles at the lake
Go to the nature center and go snow shoeing

I want to give my children experiences rather than always buying them gifts. I want to take them places and do things with them. We have been trying harder to plan outings - many which don't involve alot of money - but giving them the chance to say I've done that! Last year my kids fed giraffes, rode on a camel, learned how to knee board, we climbed a sand dune.

As this year begins my challenge to you is to spend time making memories! It doesn't have to involve money it can be as simple as building a snowman! Get out and enjoy the beauty that is around you - even if the beauty is in the midst of a snowstorm!

Happy 2008 may it be rich in blessing!

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