Sunday, January 13, 2008

One Word

There is a lot of blogging about "one word". You choose a word and use that to get inspiration from for the year. Or kind of like your motto! I did a lot of thing about this over the past few weeks! One word is so hard to come up with. I've read so many and they all have wonderful meaning behind them! I also agree with many who are choosing one word for each month. I also like that idea. I did this with my resolutions this year. Having 4 weeks to work on something is challenging, but also helps keep me focused on the task! I can't say - I have time it's only January! I think it makes things more meaningful!

The word I've chosen, is actually a couple of words combined.


I am choosing this month, to first pause. Before a decision is made, before a task is preformed, before preparing for the day ahead PAUSE for a moment. Then LISTEN, not only to the things and people around me, but my heart. Then REFLECT to make the best decisions possible. And especially with my Children!

I challenge all of you to pick a word or group of words and think about how they can make you a better you!

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