Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I just love snowy mornings!! Even better when it is a "Snow Day" - - yeah!!!! I always loved having a snow day as a child. Somehow as adult I love it just as much!! It is an unexpected day to sleep in! To stay in your jammies all day!! To just relax!! A mini vacation!! I just LOVE it!!

Today I am working on a project for my daughter's girl scout troop. But, this is a great little project for my kids. We are making a small time capsule. A scrapbook of sorts. We are including their favorites, a print of their hands, how much they weigh, how tall they are, friends, a picture of our family, our home, their school, and other special things. We are then going to put it away and hopefully get it out in a few years! We want to capture a moment in time!

Enjoy your day even if it isn't a Snow Day!!!

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