Sunday, October 5, 2008

Learning about money!

My 1st grader is learning about money at school - part of their lesson is learning how to buy and sell items. Each of the kids makes a treat and then sells it at recess for a quarter. They all get a chance to sell and also to buy. But they also learn about choices. They have 1 quarter and need to choose just 1 treat from the 10 available. Such a good life lesson and so much fun to put together!

Here is our little treat! Pumpkins and a ghost:

These little treats are so easy to make! They just take time!

Here is the recipe:

Meringue Cookies
2 eggs whites, at room temperature
½ tsp cream of tartar
¼ tsp vanilla extract
½ cup sugar
Sugar sprinkles
Heat oven to 200 degrees. With an electric mixer, beat the egg whites until soft peaks start to form. Beating all the while, add the cream of tartar and vanilla extract, then slowly add the ½ cup of sugar. Continue to beat until the peaks stiffen.
Spoon the meringue into a plastic Ziploc bag. Snip off a corner and pipe whatever shape onto a parchment-lined baking sheet.
If desired sprinkle with sugar. Bake the hats until they’re hard but not browned, about 1 hr and 20 mins. Turn off oven and leave the hats in if for an hour to crisp before removing.

**for these I added a few drops of food coloring and just knead it in the baggie.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So excited this year for Halloween! I found the most adorable Cat costume for my daughter. It is so not what you expect and that is what makes it soooooo cute!! I just love it!

And even accessories.........ooooh you just have to love that!!

I just can't get over how cute these are!! So much fun!

Found this costume at Children's Place!

Monday, June 2, 2008


Okay! Scary moments!

My kindergartener didn't get off the bus this afternoon! My other two kids got off and said he never got on! Whoa - - - where is he????

The bus driver also said he never got on. She immediately called the bus garage, I ran home and jumped in the car and starting making phone calls. My dad was closest to school and made it there first. Thankfully a wonderful family friend noticed him standing alone on the sidewalk and knew that just wasn't right! She comforted him and started trying to get ahold of us! (so grateful for her and her boys!!)

So relieved he is safe!!

My many questions - -as I sit here relieved that he is safe and okay reliving the day - - #1 How did this happen?? #2 Why doesn't the school have someone watching to make sure a 5 year old gets picked up? #3 Why didn't he get on the bus (no note, no email, no nothing stating he shouldn't ride the bus!) #4 Why when I arrived at school was no one searching for him? #5 Why was the principal just sitting in front of his computer! - - - I guess I expected to find the staff looking, searching......something! #6 Is my school really a safe place!

Wow! I certainly am glad school is done in 2 days!! And all my babies can be home safe with me!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fun projects

I have been working on some projects for my daugther. She is in 1st grade and loves doing crafts. We decided to donate a project for girl scouts. We made felt "friendship" books, the girls ran around having each other sign them, draw a picture or put their phone numbers down. So cute. Each book was different, just like each of the girls.
The second project was a book about their favorites! So fun! Then once they filled them out, they traded them and look at things that were the same or different than what they listed. Once they got home, they could attach a picture of themselves to the front! It is also dated so they can someday look back at this period in their lives!

So fun!

**Note: the felt books are sewn in the center to connect them to the felt. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Here in the midwest we are in the midst of yet another Snow Storm! First it rained, then it got icy and now it is snowing and blowing! We haven't seen the sun in days and sometimes, my motivation just goes out the door!

I turned the TV on this afternoon and caught part of Oprah. They were talking about "The Secret" while I didn't catch all of it I think I caught the part that applies to my life. The show was about how positive thinking and a positive attitude can change your life! Take any situation and find a positive way to deal with it! Sounds great doesn't it!

They also talked about using visuals to help accomplish your goals. They spoke about putting your goals or wants on a "visual board" so you can look at it and be reminded of those things at all times. Then with it fresh in your mind you are more likely to accomplish those things!!

It is inspiring! So, I have decided to make a visual board and hopefully really accomplish some of those goals!!

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow, Snow and more Snow!

And this is what makes winter fun!!

Valentine's Hearts

We had another snow day today!! Yippee! My kids love snow days and when it is cold, windy, snowy, icy and just plain yucky outside - - so do I!!!
Today, we decided to make these yummy little treats! These were featured in Family Fun Magazine as Santa Hats. We just changed them into hearts for Valentine's Day! These are so light and fluffy and my kids just love them!!
Heat oven to 200 degrees. With an electric mixer, beat egg whites (must be at room temp) until soft peaks start to form. Beating all the while, add the cream of tartar and vanilla extract, then slowly add the 1/2 cup of sugar. Continue to beat until the peaks stiffen.
Spoon the meringue into a quart-sized plastic zip-lock bag. Snip off a corner and pipe hearts onto a parchment-lined baking sheet.
Sprinkle with red and pink sugar. Bake the hearts until they are hard but not yet browned about 1 hour 20 minutes. Turn off the oven and leave the hearts in for an hour to crisp before removing! Enjoy! (It seems like a long time - but they are worth it!).

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Easy Bake Fun!

Okay, so today my kids were cheated out of a snow day!! At least they think they were! We got 1 ft of snow overnight. The weather was crazy! We were sure the kids would get another snow day! We let the stay up a little later and everything!! But.....our school decided to just delay school 2 hours! What a bummer!!!!

Anyway, during our delay we decided to use the Easy Bake Oven to make some snacks!! We have this little cookbook that uses everyday items and has downsized everything for this oven - - so cool!

We made Hot Chocolate Cake with Hot Chocolate Frosting!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I just love snowy mornings!! Even better when it is a "Snow Day" - - yeah!!!! I always loved having a snow day as a child. Somehow as adult I love it just as much!! It is an unexpected day to sleep in! To stay in your jammies all day!! To just relax!! A mini vacation!! I just LOVE it!!

Today I am working on a project for my daughter's girl scout troop. But, this is a great little project for my kids. We are making a small time capsule. A scrapbook of sorts. We are including their favorites, a print of their hands, how much they weigh, how tall they are, friends, a picture of our family, our home, their school, and other special things. We are then going to put it away and hopefully get it out in a few years! We want to capture a moment in time!

Enjoy your day even if it isn't a Snow Day!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Home Decorating Idea

Here is a simple way to decorate your home. My home has lots and lots of pictures of my family. I wanted to dress up some up my favorite photos and also have them look a little more elegant. I think black and white photos give that elegant touch to some photos.

For this project, I got white cardstock. On the computer in Word I changed my page setup to Landscape, centered my page and picked a fun font. I made the center letter size 96 and the other two letters 78. You can play with this until you get the look you want! I viewed my page prior to printing and made sure the letters were far enough down on the page. After printing, I cut the page down to 8 x 10 to fit my frame and adhered a 5 x 7 photo just above it!

The font I used for this one is French Script MS. For a more casual picture you could use a blocked font. You also could do it with just their name, nickname or even an event or place! Have fun!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

One Word

There is a lot of blogging about "one word". You choose a word and use that to get inspiration from for the year. Or kind of like your motto! I did a lot of thing about this over the past few weeks! One word is so hard to come up with. I've read so many and they all have wonderful meaning behind them! I also agree with many who are choosing one word for each month. I also like that idea. I did this with my resolutions this year. Having 4 weeks to work on something is challenging, but also helps keep me focused on the task! I can't say - I have time it's only January! I think it makes things more meaningful!

The word I've chosen, is actually a couple of words combined.


I am choosing this month, to first pause. Before a decision is made, before a task is preformed, before preparing for the day ahead PAUSE for a moment. Then LISTEN, not only to the things and people around me, but my heart. Then REFLECT to make the best decisions possible. And especially with my Children!

I challenge all of you to pick a word or group of words and think about how they can make you a better you!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Birthday Gift Idea

My daughter had to go to a Birthday Tea Party for a friend today! What a blast - she had to wear a hat and bring her favorite doll or stuffed animal (of course, she brought her American Girl Doll). How much fun! So many of the girls brought their new American Girl Dolls - just so cute to see them all together!

Okay, so I have been totally anti-toy lately! We just have way to much stuff and the kids never touch half of it! So for this party, I didn't want to give this little girl so much "toy" stuff! So.......I went to work! I found adorable photo albums at Target - 3 for $9.99 they are black and tan and hold 4X6 photos. So cute! I covered the front cover with pink paper and then put these adorable stickers on (K & Company), then put her name on with Rub-on Letters by Making Memories!! I just love it!! She can put all the pictures from her Birthday Party inside for a special memory! We also gave her an American Girl Book and some Polly Pockets!

This album was super easy and so much fun to make!! I'm going to get a few more stickers and make one for my daughter also!!

Saturday Morning Baking

Is Saturday morning just one of those days that beg for something fresh baked!! My mom always baked Chocolate Chip Cookies, I think every Saturday when I was growing up! Yummy!! While I love baking and know the Chocolate Chip recipe by heart, I hate waiting for all the batches to get done being baked!!

Here is one our family's favorites:

Oatmeal Carmelitas

2 cups flour
2 cups quick-cooking oats
1½ cups packed brown sugar
1¼ cup butter, softened
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt

1 jar Caramel Ice Cream Topping**
3 Tbsp flour
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Heat oven to 350. Grease 13x9 inch pan. In a large bowl, beat all base ingredients with an electric mixer on low. Reserve half the crumb mixture (about 3 cups). Press remaining crumb mixture into pan.

Bake 10 minutes. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, stir together caramel topping and 3 Tbsp flour.

Sprinkle chocolate chips over partially baked base. Drizzle evenly with caramel mixture; sprinkle with remaining crumb mixture.

Bake 18 - 22 minutes longer or until golden brown. Cool completely in pan on cooling rack about 1 hour. Refrigerate 1 - 2 hours or until filling is set. Enjoy!!

** sometimes I use butterscotch ice cream topping.

These are super easy to make and so yummy!!!

Have a great Saturday!
P.S. Thanks to Pillsbury! I think at one time this was a winner of their Bake-Off Contest! Check out their website for lots of yummy and cute ideas!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Capture a Moment in time!

Today I got out my kid's spiral bound scrapbooks and I am having them draw a picture of their choice in it! I love this tradition! I love to look back at their creations and see how their abilities have changed! Just like they change everyday! I also trace their hands and have them write in this book - so we always have this to look back at!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Find joy in the everyday!

As my kids are all back to school after break - I realize just how precious the time they are home is! They are at school, sleeping or other activities 80% of the time! I want their time at home to be special and precious. I want my children to remember those special times.

I challenge everyone including myself to scrapbook the everyday. The simple times, like building snowman, playing in the yard, the stuff the kids do everyday! Let them remember all of the childhood not just the big events.

Have a joyous day!

Friday, January 4, 2008

I've accepted the challenge!!!!!

Okay! So I've accepted the challenge of completing 1 scrapbook layout every day for the month of January! Well, I am on a role and completed 9 layouts start to finish!! Yippee!!! It feels so could to get these layouts down!! I just love finishing projects!!!

I am also happy to report that the goals for the month of January are also going great!! I think I'm feeling the pressure because the kids are going back to school already in just 3 short days! I am so bummed!! We have spent the last few days playing in the snow! So much fun and exhausting! They are sleeping so good! All that fresh, cool air! We've went snowmobiling, sliding, built a snowman, made snow angels, built a snow fort and just had fun out in the snow!!

Get out enjoy your January and accomplish some things! It feels so good to check things off your list.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hot Cocoa Mix

Here is a little winter recipe!

1 - 8 quart box powdered milk
1 - 11 lb box Nestle's Quik (not cocoa - needs to be the chocolate drink mix)
1 - 6 oz jar of powdered Creamora
1 cups Powdered Sugar

Mix this all together and store in a large container. To make; mix 1/3 cup of mix to 1 cup hot water. Enjoy!!

We are making a huge batch of this and taking it with us when we got sliding and snowmobiling today!! Great way to warm up during outdoor activities!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year and January Goals!

Happy New Year! What an exciting time! It is a time to think about where you have been and where you wish to go! Set new goals, develop new traditions, live better, be stronger, dream!
So many possibilities!

This year - I plan to set small goals every month, instead of huge goals for the year! One of my goals is regarding my children. Things I plan to do with or for them each month! Today as I was thinking of my "January" goals we were in the midst of a "lake effect snow storm" - - so many of these things revolve around snow!!

My goals for this month are:

Go sliding with the kids
Snowmobile - pulling the kids behind on sleds!
Build a snowman
Build a snow fort
Go iceskating (1st time for the kids)
Take a beautiful outdoor snow picture of my kids!
See the Bald Eagles at the lake
Go to the nature center and go snow shoeing

I want to give my children experiences rather than always buying them gifts. I want to take them places and do things with them. We have been trying harder to plan outings - many which don't involve alot of money - but giving them the chance to say I've done that! Last year my kids fed giraffes, rode on a camel, learned how to knee board, we climbed a sand dune.

As this year begins my challenge to you is to spend time making memories! It doesn't have to involve money it can be as simple as building a snowman! Get out and enjoy the beauty that is around you - even if the beauty is in the midst of a snowstorm!

Happy 2008 may it be rich in blessing!