Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Here in the midwest we are in the midst of yet another Snow Storm! First it rained, then it got icy and now it is snowing and blowing! We haven't seen the sun in days and sometimes, my motivation just goes out the door!

I turned the TV on this afternoon and caught part of Oprah. They were talking about "The Secret" while I didn't catch all of it I think I caught the part that applies to my life. The show was about how positive thinking and a positive attitude can change your life! Take any situation and find a positive way to deal with it! Sounds great doesn't it!

They also talked about using visuals to help accomplish your goals. They spoke about putting your goals or wants on a "visual board" so you can look at it and be reminded of those things at all times. Then with it fresh in your mind you are more likely to accomplish those things!!

It is inspiring! So, I have decided to make a visual board and hopefully really accomplish some of those goals!!

Happy Wednesday!

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