Monday, August 10, 2009

Korker Ribbons

Here is an easy way to make those cute curly ribbons!

You will need the following:
Ribbon - preferably 3/8 " length (grosgrain works best)
Clothes Pins
A wooden dowel ( or a wooden spoon works fine) 1/4' thickness


Secure one end of ribbon to wooden dowel with clothes pin.
Then begin to wrap your ribbon tightly around your handle and keep going until you get to the end. You want it close together but NOT TOUCHING and you may find you need to keep adusting it to get your ribbon closer (this will give you more curl)

To set your ribbon:.
Preheat your oven to 200f ( you may need to experiment with this depending on your oven).
While your oven is preheating soak your ribbon - Immerse in a sink of water until all the ribbon is saturated....then gently shake off the excess water and lay in the oven on a baking sheet until dry.
Watch carefully for ribbon to dry. (very easy to burn)
Remove from the oven when dry and allow to completly cool (the longer you leave it the better)
Remove your pins, and again gently slip off the handle....your ribbon is done and ready to cut to use in your korker projects.


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