Monday, June 2, 2008


Okay! Scary moments!

My kindergartener didn't get off the bus this afternoon! My other two kids got off and said he never got on! Whoa - - - where is he????

The bus driver also said he never got on. She immediately called the bus garage, I ran home and jumped in the car and starting making phone calls. My dad was closest to school and made it there first. Thankfully a wonderful family friend noticed him standing alone on the sidewalk and knew that just wasn't right! She comforted him and started trying to get ahold of us! (so grateful for her and her boys!!)

So relieved he is safe!!

My many questions - -as I sit here relieved that he is safe and okay reliving the day - - #1 How did this happen?? #2 Why doesn't the school have someone watching to make sure a 5 year old gets picked up? #3 Why didn't he get on the bus (no note, no email, no nothing stating he shouldn't ride the bus!) #4 Why when I arrived at school was no one searching for him? #5 Why was the principal just sitting in front of his computer! - - - I guess I expected to find the staff looking, searching......something! #6 Is my school really a safe place!

Wow! I certainly am glad school is done in 2 days!! And all my babies can be home safe with me!